In the days leading up to our midsummer celebration, the organizers checked and rechecked the weather forecast for Chelsea. Would we have to postpone, or worse yet, cancel? Our hosts, D’Arcy and Nancy Thorpe, reported steady rain that morning but generously offered to host it indoors if worse came to worst. As it turned out, the rain lifted just long enough for us to enjoy another delightful celebration outdoors.
Our midsummer meal was first on the event programme put together by Costa Kapsalis. Pictured above are CNS Secretary Marian McLennan and I (Hilde Huus) under the canopy where two tables full of potluck food and drinks were set up.
Again this year we enjoyed the beautiful Nordic music of Anna Dalvi on accordion. Daisies bloom right at midsummer and the daisies on Anna's skirt matched the ones behind her on D’Arcy and Nancy’s beautiful property on the Gatineau River. Several of the women wore traditional midsummer wreaths of daisies and other wild flowers.
Next on the agenda were the Finnish singers (pictured below), who serenaded us with three lovely Finnish songs. By then it had started to rain, but only very lightly.
Then came the singalong, led by our President, Trygve Ringereide, along with myself, Tim Mark, Mirja Kapsalis and Anitta Suomela, accompanied by Anna Dalvi. Everyone sang along in all five of the Nordic languages as the rainfall became just a bit more steady.
Thank you to Francisca Filleul for the above photo. All others courtesy of Trygve Ringereide and Marian McLennan
We were pleased to welcome Stein Oddvar Sægrov of the Norwegian Embassy. He is pictured below with CNS Past President Karin Birnbaum.
I noticed the gentleman on the right of the photo below particularly, enjoying the music and clapping along cheerfully.
Some words of sincere thanks and a gift were presented to Nancy Thorpe by Tim Mark on behalf of us all. How fortunate we are to be able to enjoy this beautiful location for our celebration!
Trygve thanked Costa Kapsalis and Tim Mark for their excellent planning and organization of this lovely event. Then it was time for cake and coffee!
As people started to head home, a few of us lingered on inside to finish our coffee and admire the beautiful view. Margit Maiste sat down at the piano and began to play some Sibelius. What a pleasure to be part of a small group listening to such wonderful music in such a beautiful location!
The gentleman who had been enjoying the singing so much and clapping along was Margit’s husband. He took his turn at the piano and began playing what I can only describe as mind-blowing jazz! It turns out he is Art Maiste, now age 95, a very distinguished jazz pianist and former pianist of the Montreal Symphony. It was truly a privilege to hear him play! Here is a link to a 2002 article about him, and below is a link to an early record of his, now on YouTube.
An unforgettable ending to a most memorable midsummer celebration!