Our January 25 the “Finland 100 Gala Celebration” at Les Jardins de la Cité was a great success thanks to the organizing committee, the staff and students at La Cité, and the musical talents of Trygve Ringereide and Cecelia Ignatieff. Special recognition must be given to Hanne Sjøborg whose inspiration, organizational skills and attention to detail resulted in a most memorable night that was greatly appreciated by the Nordic ambassadors, CNS members, and their guests. The evening got off to a great start with the delicious “Blue Viking cocktail”, invented especially for the occasion by Hanne’s son William after a great deal of devoted and conscientious scientific experimentation in collaboration with Hanne’s husband, CNS member Henry Storgaard. Here is the recipe: 1 part Finlandia vodka, 1 part Elderberry liqueur, 1/2 part Ikea blueberry syrup, 1 part soda water. Decorate with frozen blueberries. Worth a try, I assure you! Hanne has posted some photos of that evening on our CNS Facebook page, which you can view at https://www.facebook.com/hanna.sjoeborg/posts/10155135189646630