A Magical Midsummer in Cantley
We appreciate receiving your articles and news to include in the Nordic News.
Please email them to the editor at communications@canadiannordicsociety.com
Canadian-Swedish Hockey During World War II
Kenn Harper on Knud Rasmussen
Very Informative Talk on Henry Larsen’s “Ugly Duckling”
More on Canadian Art and Norway
Ambassador Thomas Winkler on “Canada and the Kingdom of Denmark in the Arctic"
Martti Lahtinen’s Bucket List - 100 Days in Finland, Part 5
Painting the North: How Nordic art influenced Canadian painters
Martti Lahtinen’s Bucket List - 100 Days in Finland, Part 4
Ian Waddell on the MacKenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry
Martti Lahtinen’s Bucket List 3 - 100 Days in Finland
Renatus’ Kayak
Martti Lahtinen’s Bucket List 2 - 100 Days in Finland
Viking Gala 2018
Iceland’s Ambassador on Celebrating 100 Years of Independence
Martti Lahtinen’s Bucket List 1 - 100 Days in Finland
Maud is Finally Home
First CNS Midsummer Celebration
Another wonderful Jenny Lind Concert
Leta and Eric’s Inspiring Presentation - “Your Story”